You are not welcome!

This place is about timeline. And it`s dedicated to the University of Greenwich course named «Timetravel or Wish You Be There». This blog is a real proof that design in past was really funky and strong, how it`s changed with time and how most of the styles and ideas dissapeared. And our process and research work for the course.

You can find our temporary timeline here:

Thank you.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Eric Gill

In 1920 British typographer Eric Gill designed the most successful typeface. San serif typeface was designed to try and embrace the traditional techniques not actually praising the power of using machines, the type features clear, geometric lines like the Johnson san face, which Gills additionally assisted. The Gills san type was more common than the Johnston sans type it was more stylish and fluid, this is how it quickly became the number one choice for British publishers wanting a basic recognizable look. In 1932 the Gills Sans types were used for the London and eastern Northern railway, this was because the types represented importance and simplicity.

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